Working stacked stairs
Did you ever wonder why a downloaded lot with stacked stairs didn't work when you placed it? Why your sims couldn't access the upper floor, just turned at the end of the stairs and went down again? Did you ever want to kick that game because you had built for hours and hours and then - when your sim moved in - your sims couldn't access ... (see above).
It was driving me mad! Well it's not because you did something wrong - it's the game and the somewhat odd stairs behaviour as I found out some early morning at about 5am when I was looking on many sims-sites for a solution. And so I came to Pescado who not only knew the problem but had some solution, too: Stackable stairs work only in one direction: north-south. Stackable stairs placed in east-west direction won’t let your sim go to the upper floor. Don't ask me why - ask EA. And if you're like me, you won't see at first sight what's the north-south or the east-west direction. And there are those lots too, which have a north-east to south-west direction.
Well, I think the most of you knew that - as for me - I didn't.
So I tried again, built a lot with stacked stairs in both directions and the poor Martinez' had to test it. It worked so well and was such an easy test, that I thought it might be of some interest for a few other simmers, too.
So this afternoon I uploaded a test-lot ("Test your Lot!") which will show you in a minute in which direction a lot has to be placed on a chosen spot to "work" / or in which direction you have to plan and build your stairs on a special lot.
You know I love the small stairs and I hate to have my lots cluttered with stairs only because I didn't know when or when not the stacked stairs would work. Clutter - YES! But nice little clutter or rusty clutter. But not those ugly stairs. (And I couldn't upload another lot before giving a hint to those who like it how to place it.)
And it's always the same - 16-step-stairs just placed in one direction behave the same as 8+8-u-shaped stairs or 4+4+4+4-circled-stairs.
If this is useful for anyone else I'm glad.
Feel free to give any comment or perhaps another solution that's even easier.